Jul 24, 2018 5:30 PM
Aime Saba
Working on the Rohingya refugee crisis

As this information is being entered on our website, our guest speaker, Aime Saba, is in Cox's Bazaar, in the middle of the greatest refugee crisis in the world today. Aime is, among other things, a Rotary Peace Fellow, a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Sydney and, most relevantly, part of the UN humanitarian response to the Rohingya catastrophe. That's what he will talk to us about and show us pictures of. Our own Rotary Peace Fellow, Patricia Garcia AO, who has made an extensive study of the Rohingya crisis, will background Aime's story. The timetable for the full program is set out below.  Members and guests are welcome to arrive when they can, at any time from 5.15 pm. The detail of the program is as follows:

·         5.30: Aime’s commentary and visuals on the refugee situation

·         6.15: Patricia’s background to the conflict and efforts at resolution

·         6.45: Break for dinner and Rotary business

·         7.30: Aime & Patricia summary of the earlier presentation plus one or two items of most compelling interest that weren’t covered earlier